Friday, October 31, 2008

Ideas For Halloween Costume

No matter what you want to be for Halloween, of course you want to make a dramatic statement whether you want to be sexy, funny, or scary. Along with trying to make a decision, the anticipation mounts. The fun comes when you begin to change your appearance into the creature or character you have chosen. As you look in the mirror and begin to see your face change into a ghoul, a witch, or a sexy devil the excitement mounts more. Finding the perfect Halloween costume or mask to add to the excitement will be even more fun.

Do you know where the idea of wearing costumes for Halloween originated? The Celts were the first to don costumes with the belief that the spirits of the dead came to earth on Halloween night. In most cases, the ghosts were nothing to be afraid of however, some were very unfriendly toward the living since they were still alive. To hide from these spirits, the Celts donned costumes and painted their faces with soot. From then of course, Halloween costumes have developed into a large variety of spooky and even funny costumes.

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Before you go searching for that perfect Halloween costume all over town, start by searching online. You can find a larger variety online than you can in the majority of stores, thus you will have a better chance to find a unique costume that will be different than your neighbors. It might be very embarrassing if you both show up wearing the same costume or if you wait too long and end up wearing a dorky costume.

Of course, the costume is not the only thing you will need transform yourself into the character you desire. You will need wigs, make-up, mask, or other accessories. A ghost or zombie costume will not be the same at all if you do not have a white face or a face that looks utterly dead. You could choose to go with a mask; however, masks of course do not look realistic and can take away from your Halloween costume.

Halloween makeup is also for children. Masks make it harder to see and are more of a hindrance than wearing makeup. You can find non-toxic makeup for the kids and then throw on a wig and they will not look like themselves at all. The same goes for you. You can look as sexy or scary as you desire with the right Halloween costume, makeup, accessories. Water based makeup or theatrical makeup works best.

Remember, you can always add different accessories such as jewelry, knives, chainsaws, vampire teeth, blood, or other things that will enhance the effect of your Halloween costume. No matter what type of costume you desire you will be able to find the perfect makeup and accessories to add that personal touch or that scary atmosphere.

Chad Hosrtman is an expert on Halloween and all great costumes available. To learn more about the great costumes available visit Halloween Store, Infant Costumes, and Funny Costumes.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Defining Sexy Halloween Costumes

Anyone who skims an online Halloween costume website will surely examine the sexy adult costume category. This is because many people have an interest in purchasing such costumes. However, they may get a little apprehensive before outright making the purchase. This is because they may not be sure how the "public" will react to a sexy costume. They may feel somewhat confused over the proper definition of what sexy Halloween costumes actually entail. So, let's take a clearer look at what such a costume entails.

Let's make a clear distinction from the start: sexy Halloween costumes are not sleazy costumes. This distinction needs to be made because there is much apprehension about purchasing sexy adult Halloween costumes deriving from the notion the costume will be explicit in nature. Granted, there is a small modicum of the market that includes these items but the vast majority is tasteful.

Again, most sexy Halloween costumes draw from a tasteful, erotic center. A sultry vampiress or any number of "short skirt" costumes fall in this category. Really, there is nothing about these costumes that would keep them from appearing on television during family hour. This is why most sexy Halloween costumes come from common characters found in pop culture, the historical past or even everyday life. These characters are easily recognizable and this disarms them somewhat even when they are presented in a sexy fashion.

In fact, many sexy Halloween costumes end up being more humorous than sexy.
Common sexy costumes range from the ever popular cheerleader to the bare chested and burley caveman of 1,000,000 years B.C. These costumes are more based in a sense of good hearted fun as opposed to targeting an adult demographic. So, they really are safe for most events although this is not to infer that all of these costumes are safe for every event.

This is a point that truly bears mentioning again: it is critically important, however, that one selects sexy Halloween costumes for an event where such a costume would actually be appropriate. This may seem like common sense, but there will be those who become so attracted to a particular costume that they do not think as to whether or not this would be the right costume for the night it is intended. For example, a Dominatrix costume would be a real hoot in a nightclub on Halloween, but it would be absolutely disastrous at an employer sponsored event! Well, unless you work in a Dominatrix based field, that is! But, if you work at a bank you may wish to select a costume that is a little safer.

So, most sexy Halloween costumes are safe for most events although it wouldn't hurt to show a little discretion now and then as well. Often, these costumes can make for a memorable experience and anyone looking to make a huge splash should give these costumes consideration.

If you would like to learn more about Sexy Halloween Costumes then visit our website: Halloween Costumes UK

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Revive the Fifties With Fifties Halloween Costumes

Do you remember the good times when you had during the 50's? The decade when Rock and Roll was born? The decade that meant good times is just starting? The fly, the twist, the mambo jambo, the rhumba, the La Bamba, the Boogie and those other wild crazy dancing? What about the fashion? Do you remember what it's like during those times? During this decade, the raw materials of Scottish tweeds and English worsted suit materials were renowned as being of exceptional quality.

The wools were also used by the French and the British did everything they could to promote the fine materials with fine designs. The result would be 1950s glamour. But before that, 18-year-old girls used to dress up as if they are older than their mothers and with the revolutionary style of the late 1950's, out-of-style fashion and elaborate designs came out with a rampage. Wouldn't it be fun to relive those 1950's fashion even just once every year? How about this coming Halloween? You can even opt to celebrate it wearing the Fifties Halloween costumes.

If you're thinking about 50's-styel Halloween costumes, perhaps, the closest thing that you're going to get is an Elvis Presley costume. The King of Rock n Roll was famous not only for his cornerstone fusion of rock n rolls, country, rhythm and blues and gospel music, but he was also famous for the clothes that he wore.

Even up to now, you can still see some traces of Elvis influence wherever you go. Why, even making the collar of your sports shirt stand from one shoulder to another reaching both of your ears is a sure sign of Elvis-style clothing. Costumes of the King of Rock and Roll are always in high demand and this has been further fueled by both Stag Night parties and, more lately, cricket fans where you commonly see a whole group of Elvis running around either swaying their pelvis or just walking cat-style.

Elvis has always had a distinctive style and any age group will surely be fascinated by his guts of being different from the rest. And even in any different occasion or just on ordinary days, people find themselves fancy a clothing style influenced by Elvis.

Today, a lot of costume retailers have a wide selection of Elvis and other 50's, late 50's and early 60's costumes that will surely make heads turn during the Halloween event. There are even some available elaborate Elvis costumes that would tickle the fancy of show performers and impersonators anywhere.

But always remember, you don't have to be expensive to be genuine and a stand-out. You can just dress up an early-Elvis costume that's made up of skinny fit jeans, white tee, black jacket, a gel-style combed-back hair and a pair of stick-on sideburns and you is done.

But what if you don't want to be like Elvis? Well, you don't have to miss out the Halloween fun just because you don't want to look like The King. Cats can wear jeans with turn-ups, the same white tee and swept-back "greased" hair and the chicks can go around with clam digger trousers, tight jumper and a chiffon scarf worn in the hair and if you think that the sun still shines on you even if it's night time already, go and get some 50's-style dark sunglasses.

So, whether you want to be like Elvis, Fats Domino, Ritchie Valens or The Platters, for sure, you can find these Fifties Halloween costumes to be a stand-out in the crowd, whether you bought it offline or online or you might have made one for your own by yourself.

For more information on Halloween Costumes, please visit which is an educational website devoted to helping people understand Halloween Costumes and make a good Halloween Costumes selection.

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sexy Adult Halloween Costume Ideas For Those Who Want to Risk Being Risque!

A Halloween party is a great place to let your true persona show through by allowing free reign to your creativity and imagination in your choice of fancy dress costume. You know that inside there is a naughty person trying to get out and with Halloween you have the chance to be a naughty as you want – within obvious and legal limits!

Nightclubs and bars will be throwing some fantastic costume parties and many of these will be ticket only such is their popularity. And like New Years' many of the clubs will be offering cash prizes for the best costumes on display. Using the anonymity of being in a nightclub combined with the fact that you will be among friends – unless your name is Bill No-Mates – you can choose a costume from the growing number or flirty designs aimed specifically at being 'club wear'.

The most recent club wear phenomenon has been 'emergency services' which has brought to market any number of high quality, short (some very short) skirts and dresses most commonly themed, unsurprisingly, to Nurses, Policewomen and Firewomen. The quality and styling of these costumes is fantastic and teamed with diamond net tights or stockings for the most daring, they make fantastic nightclub outfits.

Pirates and Pirate Wenches. From the continued popularity of the pirate theme there are now a number of flirty little pirate and pirate wench fancy dress costumes. Again these are perfectly suited to Adult themed parties and teamed with long boots and perhaps a cat'o nine tails or simple whip, you will have any land lubber quivering on the spot. And don't forget your Caribbean pirate wench wig to complete the transformation for the night.

Probably the most stereotyped nightclub fancy dress costume is the New York Pimp and Ho. Retro-styled back to the Seventies almost anything goes. The colourful the outfit, the more fake fur trim, the more 'gangster bling' you can find the better – and that's only the guys! A red suit or lime green suit with fur fabric collars and pocket flaps, flares, dandy canes with gold or silver cane toppers all perfectly acceptable. Although this would appear like it should be an easy look to achieve, it is one where you can easily get it wrong. Keep the number of different fabrics to a minimum and use non-bling accessories sparingly. And don't forget your big fake cigar and fake gold tooth! Er….if you are already the owner of a gold tooth and smoke big cigars it actually doesn't necessarily follow that you are a New York Pimp (not worried, just making it clear).

The lady's costume can be as revealing as you want hey, it's Halloween and you're trying to dress like a New York hooker. What more room to play do you want? Fishnet tights, diamond net tights, torn tights (it might have been a long night), blond wig, short skirt (very), tight top, exaggerated make-up, fake dollar bills, cheap mismatched jewellery and high heeled shoes. 'Nough said.

And we shouldn't ignore the fact that there are some very sexy and flirty Halloween themed fancy dress costumes with many of these making great club wear alternatives. Many of these styles have the advantage of being reusable, with little modification, as pretty party dresses on other occasions. Again, the careful selection of a few well chosen accessories will greatly enhance the look of the costume.

Halloween can be just as much fun for adults as it can be for children. Selecting the right costume and the right company to share it with can make Halloween more fun for adults than it is for children. So, let yourself go, let the ideas flow and have fun this Halloween. And if there is no party invite, or your local nightclub has sold out of tickets, why not organise your own adult themed Halloween party.

Karnival-House has a fantastic range of flirty Halloween fancy dress costumes at Feel free to browse our website for the very best in costumes and related accessories for this Halloween.

Article submitted by: KV Sinclair. Keith Sinclair has over 35 years of business experience and in addition to being a part time University Lecturer on Business Studies, he is CEO of Cavalcade; a group of companies operating in the party sector. Cavalcade operates Karnival-House one of the UK's leading internet Fancy Dress Retailers. With massive stocks for immediate dispatch and an ever expanding range, Karnival-House continues to strive simply to offer outstanding service combined with outstanding value.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Elegant and Stylish Halloween Costumes

If there was one problem with Halloween costumes it would be that they are just too scary at times. Now, some may consider this a somewhat obtuse criticism. After all, there is nothing wrong with this type of reaction provided that is what the wearer of the costume is looking for. But, not everyone is all that interested in scaring other guests when they show up at a party. Some people wish to look a little elegant in their Halloween presentation. This is where Halloween fancy dress costumes come into play as they add a unique facet to the traditional Halloween costume. But, wanting a costume that embodies these traits and knowing which type of a costume to purchase are two different animals. So, here is a little help understanding which Halloween fancy dress costumes would be considered visually stunning.

One of the most elegant Halloween fancy dress costume ideas comes from costumes that are designed with a Victorian influence. And, yes, there are a lot of costumes that are based on the look of this era. This should come as no surprise since a number of gothic horror novels such as Dracula and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde that were born of this era. Then again, there were gothic characters of the era that had their origins in reality such as Jack the Ripper. Because the Victorian era spawned so many gothic figures, fancy dress costumes based on the period have always been popular. Again, these costumes will make the person who wears them look like something special.

Also, some of the "Old West" characters which have gained their merit in history have their own unique an elegant look. While most people think of the cowboy as an old west icon, the classic image of the saloon gambler embodies popular imagery as well. After all, these characters had to look good in order for their claims of swarthiness to be somewhat credible. So, dressing up as a 19th century maverick gambler has an elegant Halloween fancy dress appeal to it.

Then, we could go back even further into the past for some truly fancy looking Halloween costumes. That is, you could step into the vestments of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh. While you will not have the ability to rule the free world, you can look as spectacular as the Egyptian rulers of the past. If you do not think that this costume provides a great look then you really need to plug in the DVD of THE TEN COMMANDMENTS and check out Yul Bryner's performance as Pharaoh. Granted, it would be doubtful that anyone could match the stunning visual look that this great actor pontificated in the classic film, but it is possible to look truly unique and such a brilliant period piece of Halloween fancy dress costume would be a step in this direction.

While this is by no means a complete list of historical Halloween fancy dress concepts, it does provide a general overview of the type of costumes that one would find most appealing. Hopefully, that will provide much food for thought.

If you would like to learn more about Halloween Fancy Dress then visit our website: Halloween Costumes UK

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloween Party Menu Ideas for a Frightful Halloween Party

Celebrating Halloween has changed over the years. It used to be a holiday to celebrate the dead, now we have created a wonderful holiday to dress up and party. Here are some tips to keep your guests fed, watered and well and truly happy:

Top items you may find at a party include eyeball punch, bobbing for apples, caramel apples, Chex mix, Brittle Meringue bones, cupcake spiders, and even eyeball soup.

For the cupcake spiders you need to create cupcakes. They can be different types of cupcakes from chocolate, white, lemon, or rainbow cake. You may choose to create orange icing or you could go with a traditional body with black icing. Icing may even have stripes to show off the different types of poisonous spiders. For legs you will need black licorice. Cinnamon candies work well for the eyes and candy corn works well for the spider’s fangs.

Eyeball soup is just as easy to create for older children. All you need is any type of soup – chicken noodle soup or tomato soup is often popular with children. Then you place fake eyeballs in the dish to help gross out your guests. Eyeball punch is pretty much the same as the soup idea. You take a punch, typically sprite with cranberry juice, and place plastic eyeballs in the punch bowl so they float around to surprise the guests.

Other menu ideas include graveyard cupcakes, black cat cookies, jack-o-lantern burgers, and green grog. There are lots of frightful things you can serve up at your Halloween party to delight and frighten your young guests, and you can really have fun with it. After all, Halloween really is an occasion where having fun is the most important thing!

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino takes a common sense approach to planning and organizing events, celebrations and holiday parties with unique ideas for Halloween party supplies and fun party games. She explains proper etiquette and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Hut has lots of party ideas with hundreds of free holiday printable games and free birthday party activities. Over 100 adorable Themes including Party Supplies to fit your birthday celebration, holiday event, or "just because" parties. Party themes include cartoon characters, sports, movie, TV shows, luau, western, holidays, and unique crazy fun theme ideas.

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13 Halloween Party Activities for Kids

1. Bobbing for Apples - This is a Halloween game that goes back hundreds of years. Place apples with stems in a large tub or kettle with water. They must remove an apple only using their teeth. Alternatively, you can tie 13 apples to strings and hang them from a tree. Each child must try to bite an apple while blindfolded.

2. Candy Hunt - Similar to an egg hunt, wrap little packages of candy corn in netting or use other candy and hide them for the children to find.

3. Sardines - This is a variation of hide and seek but with a twist. One person is "it" and hides and the others go searching. When someone finds the "it," rather than let on where they are, they hide with them. Soon you have six or more children hiding with "it." The last one to find "it" becomes "it" the next time.

4. Wrap the Mummy - This is a race game. Divide the children up in pairs. One in each pair is "the mummy," and they must stand still. The race is for their partner to wrap them in a roll of toilet paper before anyone else.

5. Spider Web - You will need lengths of black yarn and a plastic or toy spider and a small prize for each child. To set up, tie one end of the yarn to a prize and hide the prize, then walk around the room twisting the yarn around furniture. Cut the yarn and attach a spider to the other end within sight in the middle of the room. Repeat with the other prizes. Each child finds a spider and then follows it to a prize.

6. Witch Race - You will need at least two buckets and two brooms. Each player in the race must put one foot in the bucket and hold onto it with one hand, and carry a broom in the other hand.

7. Apple Race - Kids must race on all fours while pushing apples with their noses.

8. Taboo - One player is the questioner and chooses a letter of the alphabet that can’t be used by the players. The questioner then asks the first player a question, and they have to answer in a sentence without using that letter. If they do, they are out of the game and the turn passes. The last person in the game is the questioner in the next round.

9. Witch on a Broom - This is a memory game. The first player begins by saying, "I’m a witch on a broom and I’m taking a _______," and they fill in the blank with whatever they like. The second person in the circle starts out, "I’m a witch on a broom and I’m taking a _____ and a _____," and then they must name what the first player said and then add one of their own. The third person starts out the same and must name what the first players said in order, and so on. As more things are added, players start making mistakes. The last person in the game without error, wins.

10. Frankenstein - For this you will need for each child a stiff card or foam board, scissors, and glue, and you will also need magazines. Have the kids cut out separate heads, torsos, arms, and legs and glue them onto the cards... the funnier the better.

11. Witch’s Hat (or Wizard’s Hat if you have Harry Potter fans) - You will need one stiff and pointy hat, and rings to toss over it.

12. Zombie - Divide players into pairs. Each pair must hold hands and use their free hands (one each) to tie a shoe.

13. Pass the Pumpkin - You will need small pumpkins or squash, and large soup spoons. Form two teams for relay racing.

Social network users, click for myspace comments such as compliments, cool comments, love, flirty, birthday, holidays, religion, funny, cute, etc. You can also use myspace graphics. If you love Halloween, click Myspace Halloween to add to your profile.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Iron Man Super Deluxe Adult Halloween Costume For the Super Hero in You

Just because you're an adult doesn't mean that you can't dress up this Halloween. After all, there are a variety of great costume choices out there that are great for adults. If you're a guy looking for a really "manly" costume choice, then you may want to consider going with the Iron Man Super Deluxe Adult costume this year. It's the adult version of the Iron Man costume and you'll definitely look strong and manly in this costume. In this costume, you'll be sure to have a fun time this Halloween, and you may even feel like a kid again.

A Bit About Iron Man

In the movie, it was Anthony Start who actually was the one who actually created this costume. After his parents died, he would go on to acquire Start Enterprises when he was only 21. He was wounded in a war, and after this he decided to build a suit that was well armored to keep him from getting killed, which was the Iron Man Costume. He depended on his suit that he created for all his super powers. When wearing the suit he was able to fly around, he could connect to many different systems of communication, and can even shoot out energy blasts from his hands when he is wearing the costume.

Great for Dressing Up to Match as Father and Son

If you happen to have a son who is really into Iron Man, you may find that he wants his own Iron Man costume. Well, with the Iron Man Super Deluxe Adult costume, you can dress up as Iron Man too. Then you'll be able to match as father and son, which can be a lot of fun on Halloween. You can enjoy going out trick-or-treating together and everyone will feel like they are seeing double. No doubt your son will enjoy dressing up together with you.

Impress Everyone at the Halloween Party

Going to a Halloween party and you want to impress everyone with a macho costume? Well, this is the costume to get if you want to do this. With the super hero costume, you'll be looking great and all the ladies love a man who is a super hero with super powers. So, if you are really wanting to make a great impression at the party you're attending this Halloween, consider going with the Iron Man Super Deluxe Adult costume. You'll definitely make a great impression.

Find the largest selection at the best prices for Iron Man Halloween Costumes. Super Heroes aren't born, their built!

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Last Minute Halloween Party

When I was a kid growing up in the North West of England, we didn't have pumpkins so we had to make do with a suede. Not the easiest or safest of things to gauge out when raw but the job had to be done - Dad's job. Two eyes, a nose and a mouth with a few crooked teeth and then a candle inside. I can almost smell the flesh slowly softening under the heat of the wax candle as I carry my "ghouls head" down the road to the village party - what happy memories.

Five nights later in England we have Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes night when we celebrate the execution of a famous villain who attempted and failed to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. Both great celebrations and great parties celebrated with fire so what better way to round it out than with a gigantic barbecue cookout?

In my local village today there will be a party for Halloween and a party for Bonfire Night, we'll all congregate at the pub, have a few drinks, watch the fireworks and warm ourselves by the two half oil drums just waiting for the charcoal to settle. After the celebrations it's all about feeding the masses with some tasty barbeque hamburger recipes and spicy BBQ Chicken. So simple to do but there are some essential ingredients:-

1. Patience! When using an oil drum barbecue there's an awful lot of charcoal and believe me that the fire will still be going in the morning so make sure that the charcoal has had ample time to settle.

2. Good quality meat. Try a mixture of chuck steak and brisket minced up for the burgers.

3. Check out my barbecue hot dog recipe

One final point:-

It's a great time of year and it's a fantastic party but keep thinking safety. There's many people injured on bonfire night, please don't add to the statistics. offers great tips and techniques for a successful barbecue together with recipes and equipment recommendations. All advice is independent and impartial and most importantly, free of charge. Barbecue news, reviews and recipes updated regularly on the Barbecue Blog.

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Fun Halloween Party Food Ideas

Getting ready for a howling Halloween party this year? Spruce up your party this year with some icky, but yummy party food. Here are some fun food ideas for your ghostly Halloween party:

Snot cubes

Refrigerate yellow and green Jello (any flavors) in ice cube trays. Serve chilled.

Worms in snot

Make snot cubes, as directed above, out of Jello. Insert gummy worms in each cube of Jello then refrigerate. Serve chilled.

Bad apples

Using a small, sharp knife cut a small, round hole in one side of the top of an apple. Insert a gummy worm inside the hole. Create display of “bad apples” in a wooden bucket.

Monster Mash

In a large bowl, combine the following ingredients:

* 10 cups popcorn

* 1 pound plain M&M’s

* 1-14 oz. jar dry roasted peanuts

* 1 cup raisins (optional)

* 1 cup Reece’s pieces (found in baking isle by chocolate chips)

Bowl of Brains

Scramble several eggs. To get the gray brain color, mix in green, red, and blue food coloring as you beat the eggs before cooking them.

There are limitless ideas to the fun you can have at a Halloween party. Over the years, Halloween has grown into a sophisticated, adult celebration. Return to the fun kids had years ago with these basic but fun Halloween party ideas for kids.

Apple bob – Fill a large tub with water and apples. Let kids take turns bobbing for apples.

Costume contest – Once all your guests arrive at the party, take a vote on the best and scariest costumes. Add as many categories to your list as you want and hand out a grand prize to the best costume.

Pin the nose on Jack ‘o Lantern – This is a spin-off version of the all-time favorite game among children. Make a huge Jack ‘o Lantern, leaving off his nose. Let kids take turns being blindfolded and pin (or tape) the nose on Jack.

Pumpkin carving contest – Hold a pumpkin carving contest. See who can carve the funniest or silliest face into a pumpkin.

Make a mask – Give younger kids at your Halloween party construction paper, round-ended scissors, markers and glue. Let them make their own face masks for the party. Punch a hole in both sides of the mask and tie string or tiny elastic on the mask.

Guess how many seeds – Place counted pumpkin seeds in a large bowl or jar. Each party guest takes turns guessing how many pumpkin seeds there are. Whoever guesses closest to the correct numbers wins a prize.

Pumpkin seed spitting contest – Cut the top off a large pumpkin and remove the inside meat and seeds. Give each kid five seeds and see how many seeds they can spit into the pumpkin from a distance.

Buggy Ice Cubes

Insert gummy worms or raisins (for bugs) in ice trays with water and freeze. Insert frozen buggy ice cubes in your bowl of party punch.

Sara Sachxe regularly writes for Really Clever Moms, including many reviews on products like the Aqua Doodle.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Popular Fancy Dress Ideas For Men by Virgilio vallecera

Fancy dress parties own kept on popular since the 18th century in Britain. They date coming back even further in !no! characteristics of the world, in Venice for instance, masquerade balls were possessed as far returning as the 15 century. Guests would use masks to protect the faces and hide the identities. These incidences got elaborate dances, mostly simply had for staff of the upper classes and were very grand occasions. Later in the seventeenth & eighteenth centuries costume parties became a great deal more common in mainland Europe and the UK.

Nowadays a large amount of emphasis is on the costumes themselves and creating them resemble clothing based on around the world, both historic and from recent media, these kinds of as film & TV.

Super Hero Fancy Dress Costumes

Popular mens' fancy dress costumes are circumstances like super hero outfits, acutely X-Men, Batman and The Incredible Hulk suits. These sorts of costume are favoured by men as properties provide them conviction by creating the illusion so they're higher as opposed to they actually are. Most of such costumes feature fake muscles dropped both the arms and legs.

The occurence that super hero outfits are often bright green or in the situation of the 'Incredible Hulk' costume; bright green, does not look to bother the majority of persons which wear them. I am certain only by wearing them, properties should look silly, so if properties are an embarrassing colour, consequently this would not matter.

Back to class fancy dress has become a rife theme for parties, to the height at which nightclubs by and large own class uniform themed nights. Though a large amount of mens' desire dress for this moment type of concern is centered on brown trousers, grey shirts and a school tie, some men dress up as a attempt master character.

Some need dress parties are themed out there Roman costumes, at which men and women wear Roman style togas, sandals and even laurel leaf headdresses. Other popular styles of mens' fancy dress themed based on what i read in around the world are 'Arabian' costumes, 'Mexican Poncho' outfits and 'Hawaiian Shirts'.

More and larger number of men are choosing desire dress themed musical eras these as the '50's', '60's' and '70's'. With costumes styled fancy Teddy Boys jackets, 'Elvis' jumpsuits and hippy outfits.

Mens' Fancy Dress Ideal for Groups

Some men choose certain styles of fancy dress costume when planning to go out in a group, picking to all dress the same to acquire sure they get noticed. Ideal costumes for groups are law enforcers costumes, Robin Hood and cave men outfits.

If a team of men and women go out together, subsequently properties may decide seek dress costumes that provide evidence both sides from a theme. Examples of now are doctors & nurses, police officers & robbers and cowboys & 'Indians'. All the men wear one style of fancy dress, whilst all the women wear one more style.

This is ideal for those who like to go night clubbing in need dress as opposed to an actual desire dress party, where guests prefer to look different. Though going out in too big a cluster can see you going to get turned away based on data from selected venues unless you book in advance.

Hollywoods' Influence on Fancy Dress

Fancy dress costumes that have become more and more popular for men are pirates, chiefly due to the success of films this type of as 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. A knock-on influence of right now has been heard an substantiate the number of skeleton outfits and ghost costumes being worn. These costumes traditionally might only be worn in superior amounts during Halloween and Guy Fawkes Night themed desire dress parties.

About the Author

Looking for hollywood actors? and Miss universe

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sexy Halloween Costume Theme Parties

During the Halloween season you would probably notice advertisements for costume party events on display. Many times, these parties follow a certain theme and one of the more popular themes is parties that feature sexy Halloween costumes. No, that does not mean these parties that are salacious in nature. Rather, these parties follow a unique theme that appeals to a wide range of fun seekers. Since these types of parties are so popular in commercial establishments, would it not be a good idea to duplicate these themes for private parties? After all, you do want to throw a memorable party do you not?

A "sexy Halloween costume party" adds a little extra dimension to the fun of a party. When the 31st of October rolls around many people have it their mind to throw a Halloween party. There is good reason for this: unlike other holiday inspired parties Halloween parties put much more emphasis on fun. No, this is not to say that other holidays are dull but a midnight Halloween horror movie marathon party would surely be a great deal more exciting than a plodding holiday office party. But, this is not to say that all Halloween parties are guaranteed to be a thrill a minute. When the theme of the party is merely a "Happy Halloween" theme, the party can become dull in a very short time frame. But, when you add in sexy Halloween costumes the party becomes much more intriguing.

Why is this? Well, if the party is a costume affair and the only difference between this party and any other generic party is the wearing a costume. This is decidedly lacking in motivation and the party's novelty appeal wears off quickly. Additionally, when the costumes are random or not connected to a theme other than Halloween the event can look somewhat haphazard. Would it not be better to wear the costumes within a coherent theme that makes the party more exciting? After all, who would not want to attend a party loaded with sexy Halloween costumes?

Planning parties that feature sexy Halloween costumes is not all that difficult. Simply sending out invitations that advertise it as such is all that is required. It is important, however, that the advertisement clearly spells out what the theme of the party is. You wouldn't want someone showing up and feeling out of place because their costume does not fit in with the rest of the partygoers. Also, it is important to stress that a sexy Halloween costume party does not mean that you are giving a license to be explicit. Instead, be sure to point out that certain decorum is followed when selecting a sexy Halloween costume. This way, there will be no embarrassing or awkward moments during the party. Remember, we want to keep in all in good fun.

The key to a successful Halloween party is to make sure it is memorable. Throwing a sexy Halloween costume party will work wonders in this regard. Seriously, how could anyone forget attending a costume party that was filled with guests wearing sexy Halloween costumes? Yes, it would be pretty tough to shake that image!

If you would like to learn more about Sexy Halloween Costumes then visit our website: Halloween Costumes UK

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Halloween - Its Origins and Some Fun Party Ideas

Halloween can be traced back to the Celts living in northern Europe nearly 2000 years ago. They celebrated a holiday called Samhain which marked the end of the summer and harvest times and the beginning of the long, dark, cold winter months. They believed that on Samhain night witches, ghosts and evil spirits ruled the world and that the souls of the dead would return to the places where once they had lived. The Celtic people would build huge bonfires to scare away the spooks and witches but set out food and lanterns to welcome the souls of the dead.

To try to eradicate this pagan custom, the Christian Church set November 1st as All Saints' Day and the night before as All Hallows' Eve. Over time, Halloween became associated with many more rituals, such as trick or treating where money or food was given by householders to those wearing Halloween disguises. The custom migrated to the USA with the many Irish immigrants in the 19th century and now "trick-or-treating" is popular all over the world.

Halloween is a global celebration with party games and costumes, seasonal recipes and decorative displays. Halloween is no longer seen as an evening to dread, but more a time to be light hearted, to let children make mischief and coax treats and candy from resigned adults.

You can decorate your table with scary Halloween images, Halloween Party Bunting and make spooky lights from carved out pumpkins and enjoy games such as apple bobbing or House of Horrors. For this game you completely darken one room, play scary music and guide children, a few at a time through such delights as:

  • peeled grapes (eyeballs)
  • dried fruit slices - apple or pear slices are good (ears)
  • cooked cold pasta (brains)
  • yoghurt (slime)

And so on ... Happy Halloween to you all!

Helen Dickson is the owner of the Party Bunting Store. She designs a wonderful range of party bunting and other great downloadables for you to print. Many of her designs are based on real vintage fabrics, so realistic that once you've decorated the room with your bunting your friends won't be able to tell the difference. She also offers a two great ranges of alphabet bunting - wonderful for kids rooms or personalizing messages. Visit her site at

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Best Halloween Costumes Guide From the Experts

This coming Halloween, for sure, you are looking for an even more original, scarier, spookier or even sexier Halloween costume so you can still stand-out from among the crowd of monsters, Yetis, pirates, evil Emperors, ghouls, ghosts and Elvis-look-alikes, right? But as the occasion comes nearer and nearer, it seems that you are not the only one who is looking for the best Halloween costumes so the question is- where can you find the most original or the most unique?

For decades, people would think of spookiness and ghouliness and sinister costumes when Halloween is being talked about. One would like to end up as an evil Jack-o-Lantern. Another evil soul will start thinking about dressing up as an ugly ogre (well, ogres are naturally ugly, don't they?). Anyway, you might even think of being a naughty leprechaun who steals babies away from their mothers and ask them to guess your name or something like that.

But Halloween today is not about being scary anymore and there are lots of costumes to choose from, online and offline.

You can start off with the usual hideous costumes. First, you can choose from being a vampire, a werewolf or even a lycan, a "cross-breed" of vampire and a werewolf just like in that movie of these ugly and blood-sucking creatures going at each other throat.

Or you can be Van Helsing, the man responsible for hunting and killing of hundreds of vampires and werewolves and bringing Mr. Hyde to justice. If you want to be scarier, you can opt for a nasty imp or a poltergeist or a zombie who wants nothing but your neighbor's fresh brains "straight from the can".

Now, because a lot of people would like to join in the fun, even Moms and Dads, Halloween costumes go as far as going back to the 50's, 60's and 70's era. They can dress up just like Elvis, or like Jimi Hendrix or even become a disco freak of the 70's with that afro hair and flair pants and 9-inch heeled boots.

Or, you can choose to be one of the wrestling superstars that you adore. Take a look at these wrestling costumes from hell: the Ultimate Warrior, the Powers of Pain, Demolition, The Road Warriors (Legion of Doom), the Rockers, the Killer Bees. You can even become the Undertaker or his brother, the evil Kane. What about being a goth-metal guitarist or a shock-rock belter like Alice Cooper, KISS' Gene Simmons or Nicki Sixx of Motley Crue? What about Twisted Sister? Heck, they are the craziest bunch of people but they can be good examples of rock star Halloween costumes. How about cartoon characters? Surely, you don't say that you can't remember Snow White or the 7 Dwarfs or even Cinderella? Why, their costumes can be fabulous head-turners during the spooky night of Halloween.

There are many ideas that you can choose when you plan on celebrating Halloween the unique way and the best Halloween costumes can be found online and the examples stated in here are all available within reach. Of course, if you are on a tight budget but still want to celebrate the festivities, you can still try to go online and get some tips on how to make your own Halloween costume.

For more information on Halloween Costumes, please visit which is an educational website devoted to helping people understand Halloween Costumes and make a good Halloween Costumes selection.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Fan's Guide to Dark Knight Halloween Costumes

People that were first exposed to Batman in the 1930s had no idea what a phenomenon the character would become over the next several decades. Now, after several television shows, hundreds of comic books, action figures, animated television series and six top-selling feature films, Batman - also known as The Dark Knight - has become an official American icon. And with the rise of The Dark Knight's stardom, many fans were born, each of them wanting to follow in the footsteps of Bruce Wayne, Batman's alter-ego, especially when it comes to the striking costume.

There is no better time to dress up as Batman than Halloween, and this year offers official Dark Knight Halloween costumes that look and act like those used in the movies on many levels.

There are several essential parts to any Dark Knight Halloween costume, starting with Batman's cap and cowl, or hood. Other requirements include Dark Knight armor, boots and gloves or gauntlets which are worn on the forearms. It's also important to note that Batman doesn't carry any traditional weapons such as guns or knives. Instead, the Dark Knight uses basic defensive weapons and his martial arts abilities.

True Dark Knight fans should take note of the costume changes over the years. Originally, Batman wore a light blue and dark blue combination on his costume. It wasn't until comic books in the 1980s that the Dark Knight began wearing solid black with gold trim, as was the suit used in the first Batman film released in 1989. Later feature films had Batman wearing a variety of shades of blacks, grays and metallic colors on his armor. The Dark Knight Halloween costumes inspired by the 2008 film are solid black. These distinctions allow fans to choose their personal favorite color scheme, and those interested in the coolest and most popular Batman costume will surely choose the official solid black version.

Getting your hands on the latest and greatest Dark Knight Halloween costume is a simple thing. Most costume stores will carry a Batman suit, or bat-suit, but one of the quickest and easiest, while also eliminating travel time, is to get the costume online. This helps to ensure you're getting an official Batsuit replica instead of a generic, which may be sold in local stores.

Remember that the Dark Knight is the highest grossing feature film to date, and you're likely to be joined by many other fans at work and school during this Halloween season.

Jaime Brady is a costume artist who specializes in creating and promoting Dark Knight Halloween Costumes in the United States. Recently she has been working with a number of Fortune 500 companies to develop friendly sales techniques for the young girl and teenage boy markets including the new Batman the Dark Knight Halloween Costume.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

A Chilling and Fun Halloween Party For Kids

Organizing a Halloween party for kids can be both extremely enjoyable and at the same time challenging. There are a number of items that you will need to prepare beforehand and a whole bunch of things that may perhaps possibly go wrong. Plus, you're talking about planning a ghoulish Halloween party for youngsters whose attention span can be as short as a candle wick. The party can easily go out of control with kids getting boisterous, trying to best one another with their costumes, treats, etc.

Although having some sort of control would be a great but also remember that this is a children's party, an iron hand rule would be overdoing it. Now there are a number of ways to make your audience listen. One way would be to keep them busy by having them participate in party games. There are quite a number of party games that you can organize that would certainly grab the attention of your kids.

If you're familiar with the game called Mummy Wrap, you know the kids will be glad to participate with this one. As the name of the game implies, it involves wrapping someone with mummy wraps which in our case equates with a roll of toilet paper. The game is simple. You just need to group the kids into small groups and have them designate someone to wrap. At your cue, the wrap the "mummy" with toilet paper from head to feet. The group that were able to wrap fully their mummy the fastest would be the winner.

Several Halloween games I know are just variations of exiting party games. We have the Halloween musical chairs and the freeze dance. Both I'm certain you already know. It doesn't hurt to be a little creative with your chairs. You can easily make the children feel it's a Halloween game it you make the chairs ghoulish looking like maybe making them appear like tombstones or using darker colored chairs and adding some cobwebs.

And don't forget the music. You can easily find Halloween music in the nearest record store or in the internet. For further enjoyment, you can ask the kids to dance in a "monstery" or ghoulish kind of way. You can even give a prize to the kid that will give the best monster dance.

Don't forget to give prizes to your game winners. This will persuade them to participate in the next games.

A different game which seems to popular is the building a scarecrow game. This entails having numerous groups of children make their scarecrow using pillow cases, old clothes, newspapers, cardboards, tapes or adhesives, and markers. You will have to set up some old clothes for this one. The children will certainly enjoy making something that often see in television and books.

You can also have a Halloween candy hunt which basically is a departure of the Easter egg hunt. By this time, we just hope that the kids haven't discovered yet the candies you hid around the area.

Don't forget to have a scary story telling time as well. Ask one of your guests or friends to tell a story to the kids at the party. Avoid making the story too scary though.

There are other ghoulish Halloween party games that can still do. Just remember that this is the children's day and your objective is to have them enjoy the day.

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Halloween Party Decorations on a Dime

Want to create spooktacular Halloween party decorations on a budget? Follow these low-cost decorating tips to create a howling good party!

Creating a frightfully fun scene for a Halloween party doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune. Just use a few (or all) of these tips to create party decorations that won't scare your budget!

Haunting Hands

These scary hands are a breeze to make! Simply stuff a pair of rubber gloves with tissue paper, newspaper or cotton batting, and then use your imagination to decorate them: spray paint, gauze wrap, fake fingernails, rings, a watch, fake insects, or red "blood" paint.

Jack-O'-Lantern Garland

Draw jack-o'-lantern outlines on orange paper, making sure to draw long stems on top. Cut out the jack-o'-lanterns and then draw on faces with markers or crayons. Fold the stems halfway down, and then attach them to yarn or string with tape, glue or staples. When attaching the pumpkins, make sure that the stems 'fold' over the yarn or string. Now you're all set to drape this garland across a room, over a window or from lighting. You can also make a ghost garland in the same way!

Egg Carton Bats

Using egg cartons to make bats couldn't be easier! First, separate 3 cups from an egg carton. Cut out part of the bottoms of the two outside cups so that they look like bat wings. Then just add eyes and a mouth with a marker (or you can use googly eyes). To hang, just attach it to a string or rubber band. Feel free to decorate your bats with paint, spider webs or anything else that grabs your imagination!

Egg Carton Spiders

Egg cartons also make fun spiders! Start by separating one cup from an egg carton. Next, make 8 small holes (4 on each side) at the base of the cup. The point of a scissors works well for this. Then insert a pipe cleaner into each of the holes to create legs. Last, just add a face and decorate however you choose!

Bat Clips

Cut out bat wings and bodies from black construction paper, card stock or fun foam sheets. Make sure the bat bodies are large enough to cover clothespins. Glue the bat parts to clothespins (wings first, and then bodies) and then add googly eyes to complete the look. These are easy to clip anywhere!

Lollipop Ghosts

These fun little ghosts not only make fun decorations, but they also make great party favors! To make these adorable little haunters, you'll need round lollipops, white tissues, googly eyes or black marker and ribbon, preferably black or orange. Using one or two tissues, place a lollipop in the center and then gather the tissues around the top of the lollipop. Secure the tissues around the top of the lollipop with ribbon. You will now have a ghost head (top of lollipop) and body (tissue that covers lollipop stick). Finish by adding googly eyes or drawing them on with a black marker.

Halloween Blood

More of an accent than an actual decoration, there are lots of uses for fake blood - and it couldn't be easier to make:

* 1 cup corn syrup
* 1 tbsp water
* 2 tbsp red food coloring
* 1 tsp yellow food coloring

Just mix all the ingredients together and you'll have one cup of Halloween "blood"!

Go Buggy

Creep everyone out with your own profusion of bugs and rodents. Bags of plastic bugs and various sizes of rodents are readily available - and usually inexpensive - around Halloween. Scatter them on tables, floors, walkways, windowsills - anywhere that needs a little spooking up.

Pumpkins Please

Mini pumpkins provide a wealth of decorating opportunities. You can paint them any color and glue nearly anything (felt, construction paper, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, etc.) to them, allowing you to create spiders, witches, monsters...just use your imagination!

Balloon Ghost

All you need to make this fun ghost is a white balloon and two white plastic grocery bags! Start by cutting the handles off the plastic grocery bags. If there are any markings on the bags, try to cut them out, too. Starting at the top of the bags, cut them into strips, leaving the bottom seam of each bag intact. Next, blow up a white balloon. Tape the plastic bags around one end of the balloon, forming a circle around it. (Hint: if you're planning on hanging the ghost as a decoration, be sure to leave the tied end of the balloon exposed at the top, so you can tie a string to it.) Finally, create a face on the balloon with a black marker, and you've got a frightfully fun ghost!

Halloween parties can be lots of fun - and lots of expense. But by using the decorating tips above, you can decorate for Halloween without breaking the bank.

Heather L. Clark is a Web researcher and writer based in Omaha, Nebraska. Check out her favorite sources for 2009 calendars and online calendars.

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