Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Last Minute Halloween Party

When I was a kid growing up in the North West of England, we didn't have pumpkins so we had to make do with a suede. Not the easiest or safest of things to gauge out when raw but the job had to be done - Dad's job. Two eyes, a nose and a mouth with a few crooked teeth and then a candle inside. I can almost smell the flesh slowly softening under the heat of the wax candle as I carry my "ghouls head" down the road to the village party - what happy memories.

Five nights later in England we have Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes night when we celebrate the execution of a famous villain who attempted and failed to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. Both great celebrations and great parties celebrated with fire so what better way to round it out than with a gigantic barbecue cookout?

In my local village today there will be a party for Halloween and a party for Bonfire Night, we'll all congregate at the pub, have a few drinks, watch the fireworks and warm ourselves by the two half oil drums just waiting for the charcoal to settle. After the celebrations it's all about feeding the masses with some tasty barbeque hamburger recipes and spicy BBQ Chicken. So simple to do but there are some essential ingredients:-

1. Patience! When using an oil drum barbecue there's an awful lot of charcoal and believe me that the fire will still be going in the morning so make sure that the charcoal has had ample time to settle.

2. Good quality meat. Try a mixture of chuck steak and brisket minced up for the burgers.

3. Check out my barbecue hot dog recipe

One final point:-

It's a great time of year and it's a fantastic party but keep thinking safety. There's many people injured on bonfire night, please don't add to the statistics. offers great tips and techniques for a successful barbecue together with recipes and equipment recommendations. All advice is independent and impartial and most importantly, free of charge. Barbecue news, reviews and recipes updated regularly on the Barbecue Blog.

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